DMG Business

Strathmore from Gober - low res - Sept 2014

NW Sutherland DMG meets twice a year as a Group, and Steering Group meetings are also held as required to deal with any important business matters that arise.

The next full meeting of NWS DMG is due to be held on Thursday 13th November  2024 at 2pm in the Community Centre in Lairg. An Agenda will appear here closer to the time. Anyone is welcome at these meetings. If you wish to propose an agenda item, please contact: 

2nd May 2024 Minutes

15th November 2023 Minutes

15th November 2023 Agenda

May 2023 minutes

November 2022 Minutes

Foinavon Area Meeting August 2022

South Area Meeting August 2022

May 2022 Minutes

November 2021 Minutes

Spring 2021 minutes

There were no meetings in 2020 due to COVID, with all activity taking place offline by email.

November 2019 Minutes

NWSDMG Minutes 30 May 2019

NWSDMG Minutes 07 Nov 2018

NWSDMG Minutes 23 May 2018

Minutes of previous meetings can be found below:

NWSDMG November 2017 Minutes

NWSDMG May 2017 Draft Minutes

Minutes of October 2016 meeting

Minutes of Spring 2016 meeting

October 2015 Minutes

Spring 2015 minutes

October 2014 Minutes